Archive for January, 2011

Why hello there!

Posted: January 31, 2011 in Uncategorized

It’s been an interesting week. I have to admit I have been unfaithfull to WoW and tried out the Rift beta. I wanted to hate that game so much. Especially after seeing their advertisement ‘we’re not in Azeroth any more’. I felt slightly offended by it.

I created some characters and I have to admit I was a bit impressed (even if their elves run weird), but as soon as I started playing I was hooked. Now I have to play two mmo’s :/

Anyhow, after my disloyalty I went over to my old server and rolled a fresh Draenai Shaman. May I introduce: Rahiema

I’ve played her all Sunday and I have to say I am impressed with enhancement shamans so far. I love her animations when she hits an enemy with her mighty weapons. I think it’s also the little tail movement she does *grins*

I’ve got her to level 18 now but I already have a tabard for Darnassus rep. I can’t stand eleks and I think sabers are the better mount.

Just look:

No no no, that won’t do. It needs to be sleek and quick. Time to do some instances and earn that reputation 🙂

This week we interview Ben. We talk about our time in WoW, Music that reminds us of WoW and our playlists. Time to get on some rantpants and talk about our biggest petpeeves in WoW.

How to contact us:

Twitter: GGWshow


If you are a girl and want to be interviewed on our podcast just give us a poke. Keep in mind we’re in the UK

Thank you all you amazing people who subscribed, left comments and 4/5 star reviews on Itunes and who are following us on Twitter. Cookies and muffins for all of you.


Podcast Girls gone WoW show 4

Posted: January 23, 2011 in Uncategorized

I just finished show 4 of my podcast Girls gone WoW. I can edit sound myself now. I know TS3 is not a great way to record a podcast, but at least I know now how to edit music for an intor and an outro. Next step will be trying to record over Skype and hopefully that will improve the sound quality a lot.

I am really enjoying podcasting. We’re still a bit all over the place and it would be nice to get some feedback from listeners, but for now I’m happy 🙂


Girls gone WoW; show 3

Posted: January 14, 2011 in Uncategorized

Show 3 is finally here and I have to say that I am pretty satsfied with this one. I think we might have found our format and the hosts are starting to get more comfy in their roles.

I would really appreciate any feedback that people can give!
You can find a download to the podcast here girls-gone-wow-show-3 but we can also be found on Itunes.

For years my main was a nightelf druid called Oronil. It’s what most people still know me by. Every time I serverhop I make a new character named Oronil. The name is as much part of me as my real life name.

I got this name 6 years ago. My then boyfriend was into Dungeons and Dragons and had a half-dragon character named Oronil. I loved the name and when WoW was released I knew that I should have that name for my first character. To be fair, I did spell it wrong. It was supposed to be Orronil, but I left one r out.

It’s weird that just seeing the name brings a smile to my face. It brings back very fond memories of my first years in WoW, when I started to forge friendships with people I still talk to today. It reminds me of the time when I started to interact with my now-husband under that name.

I don’t have very fond memories of that boyfriend, but the name is mine now and I’m claiming it as my own.  However, I am not using the name any longer. I have returned to my old server to see things on the alliance side (even if I still have lots of fun on my horde server.) I don’t raid so I don’t see why I should stick to one faction/server. I did notice that I’m very hesitant of using Oronil for any of my new alliance characters on my old server. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I don’t always want people to know who I am. There are some individuals on my old server who I really dislike and I don’t want to interact with them whatsoever. Using my old name would only draw attention and I just want to level in peace. But it is tempting to use my old name again.

I am struggling with this question. There are a lot of good emotes in this game, but I hardly use any at all. I guess if I look at my past I’d go for the /dance emote. Especially in pvp or when someone in a dungeon dies. I tend to start dancing on their corpse. Trust me, that’s a lot better than the emotes I used to make back in the days of Molten Core when some of my guildies died in the raid and I decided that ‘teabagging’ as a kitty was funny. I made a whole macro emote for it and all. I was quite the pervert back then… in fact I still have some very disturbing emotes/macro’s somewhere.

When the /cower came out I found it hilarious to see it on my moonkin. I couldn’t stop laughing and  I guess it is still a favourite of mine. Like I said, it’s not my best question to answer, but it’ll do.

On more interesting news: I just recorded show 3 of Girls gone WoW and I’m really happy with the result. It just needs some editing and music and we’re ready to bang it onto Itunes. I just wish I knew how to make it a bit more noticeable to the wide world. Anyone have some amazing tips how to reach more listeners?

Day 3 – Favourite NPC?

Posted: January 3, 2011 in 30 days

A few days ago I would have said Thrall. I would have gone on and on about how I loved his background story and how I loved how much he cares for his people. I have to admit that Christie Golden has influenced me a lot when it comes to loving Thrall and orcs as much as I do now (and Metzen of course after stating Thrall was “Green and Sexy”).

However, as of a few days I found an Npc whose background I find fascinating and so dark that I’m hoping Blizzard will give her an even bigger role in Warcraft. I’m talking about Lilian Voss. Her background story is here on Wowpedia and after watching some of the video’s surrounding her questline it is clear to me that this will be my favourite NPC.

She’s betrayed and everything she believed in has been taken away from her. The fact that she has the coolest deathgrip animation and can make people burst into purple flames just add to her scary-factor. Sylvanas move over, I want this twisted chick leading the undead! (I know it’s never going to happen, but I do hope she’s getting a bigger role in due time).

Ow and she reminds a lot of people of a character from Magic: the Gathering.

Resolutions for 2011

Posted: January 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

I was very close to deleting this blog entirely. I had a long and hard think about what I wanted to achieve with this blog and I realised I wasn’t writing for myself, which is silly. This blog should mostly be just for me, myself and I. Then I also started to realise I wasn’t happy with the podcast. It’s taking too much time out of my life when I should be doing things that could help my future; like drawing and working with Photoshop a hell of a lot more.

Will I continue the podcast? Perhaps… I am not sure what to do at the moment. If my co-hosts decide to contact me because they really want to make another show I will, but for now I’m putting my effort into my other projects: writing and drawing. I guess getting rid of this blog would be silly. I need to practice writing in English again and at least this way I also have a place to archive all my stories and see if I progress at all with my ways of writing. Now comes the second part, will I keep this name for my journal? I am not sure if it suits me any more, but actually finding a new name for the blog has proven even more difficult. Human Moose stands for the druid I used to be for years and I believe that deep down I still am one, even if now I’m mostly playing two goblin caster girls. I will see how things are moving along during this year and perhaps I will start to feel comfortable again with this name or I might find an amazing new name just lying somewhere on my cluttered desk.

So the new years resolutions…. I’ve made a lot for myself this year and they weren’t really based on wow. However, in the light of refreshing my blog I can make some for WoW too. So here goes:

  • Level all my horde chars on The Venture Co and participate in a lot of rp on that server.
  • Once my chars on TVC are 85, level up all my other chars, spread on different realms just to get the feel for all the new race/class combinations, the new zones (also on alliance side) and see if there’s any good rp around.
  • Keep this blog up to date. That means no more posting once in a blue moon, but actually actively writing about things that jump into my head and participating in the Blog Azeroth shared topics.
  • Write short stories around my characters and post them.
  • Draw my characters or anything wow-related and post them.
  • Stop fretting so much about what people think about me in game, on the internet or whatever and just have fun in what I’m doing.

I guess that would sum it all up nicely. If any of you who read this (if people read it at all that is ;P) have any advice on the podcast-issue or the blog problems, I would love to hear your input and ideas or perhaps you can guide me to a post where people talk about it and have dealt with their problems.

In a happier note: I wish everyone an amazing 2011 and I hope that all your dreams and goals will be achieved! Happy gaming!


2010 in review

Posted: January 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meterâ„¢ reads Fresher than ever.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

The Leaning Tower of Pisa has 296 steps to reach the top. This blog was viewed about 1,100 times in 2010. If those were steps, it would have climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa 4 times


In 2010, there were 19 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 20 posts. There were 15 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 10mb. That’s about a picture per month.

The busiest day of the year was July 21st with 44 views. The most popular post that day was Badges, good or not?.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for starcraft 2 background, goblin female, starcraft background, zerg background, and female goblin.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Badges, good or not? July 2010


The Dreaded Feral July 2010


Who is this human moose? August 2009


The little egg (rp-story) August 2010


Oronil’s past (part 2) May 2010