Posts Tagged ‘weight’

Diet Hell

Posted: May 27, 2012 in Goals, health
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Well, not really. I thought it was going to be hard, but this first month wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. I haven’t skipped my exercise at all, nor have I eaten badly. Now I am not talking about just eating carrots and lettuce (though I do have nice salads now and again), I actually have proper meals, I just keep track of how much I eat in total and I keep an eye on my portion size. I really don’t have the feeling that I’m on a diet. This is probably one of the reasons why I am not feeling like quitting.

Now a thing that has surprised me is my endurance for working out. I used to hate working out, but now I actually look forward to my runs in the week. I love pushing myself a bit further and actually noticing that I can run a certain amount of time. I get a high after my runs and I feel really good about myself. The circuit-training is a different matter. It’s short which is good, but I don’t really love it. I am happy when I’m done and I see the results already. I feel firmer and I’m actually getting some muscles. In the end that will also help me with my running results, as my knee is getting stronger.

There was a time I used any excuse not to run because of my bad knee. You name it, I said it. Now I’m not so afraid any more of hurting my knee. I think I’ve hurt my knee once really bad, but I thought to myself: ‘it’s correcting itself already, I’m still standing and I’m still running. I’m fine, no need to panic.’  And I kept running. I do still feel a bit of pain now and then, but I’m feeling a lot more secure about my knee and my own abilities.

Now for the result after a month of doing this: I lost 9 lbs. I went over my goal for the month! I try to aim for half a stone per month (7 lbs). I also took my measurements now and I’ll see in another month’s time how many inches I lost.

All in all, I am proud of myself.

The healthfreak

Posted: April 27, 2012 in Uncategorized
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Confession time; I’m chubby and I should loose at least 20 kg’s to be healthy. I’ve always struggled with my weight. I’ve been superheavy and skinny in my 32 years on this world. 2 years ago I was healthy when it came to my weight, but slowly I started gaining. I realised this week that I have to do something again. Hence I logged my calories again on my fitness pal and I will submit myself to working out in a weeks time. Why am I writing rid here? Because logging my progress on my blog will give me that extra push I need. Every Friday will be an update on my progress and/or lack there of. I’ll be as honest as possible and hopefully this will give me the right kick up my chunky rear!