Shared Topic: Autoblogography

Posted: November 22, 2010 in Uncategorized

This week on Blog Azeroth’s shared topic we’re asked to write our blogging “autobiography.”

I am incredibly sporadic when it comes to blogging. I have periods that I really want to write and post a lot and actually do said thing, but lately it’s more…’I want to… but I really can’t be bothered.’ However, I made some changes to my game (I went horde) and I guess that gave me some now material to write about.

But back to the start.

I actually have been blogging for a long time now. Not all about wow and on wordpress though. I started my blogging life on  livejournal. I posted my daily musings and rants on there and last year I mostly posted a drawing of my week. It entertained me, but I’m horrible at reading everyone elses journals and commenting. I also started to join a lot of communities including wow_ladies. It opened a new world to me.


Here was a community filled with girls/women (and hidden guys) who all played what I loved. Reading their questions and their musings was incredibly entertaining and it made me feel a part of something. Slowly I started to discover other things; blogs and podcasts. It’s incredible how my passions for the game started to get stronger and stronger the more I read on blogs and I realised this could be the start of an addiction.


I started to subscribe to blogs and it’s still a daily routine for me to go through them in my reader. Some people read the paper, I read my googlereader. All these wonderful blogs made my hands itch. I wanted to do something like this. So slowly I set the first steps onto the blogging world. Finding a name for my blog was not easy. I tend to make things to complicated for myself, but I finally settled for a name: Human moose. I started to post and I find it exciting to share my love for WoW with other people who blog. It had made me think more about the game. I started to think about topics when I read something in /trade that upset some people or that entertained everyone. I also took moor screenshots, pondering if I could use them in my blog. Of course there are the times that I just can’t find a good topic, but I think going through the Blog Azeroth site could be a good solution for that.

I have to admit I’ve been really lazy these last months when it came to my blog. I guess I wasn’t happy with my situation in game and I didn’t really feel the need to blog about it. In retrospective perhaps I should have done just that. It would make things more clear for me what I actually wanted from the game and it might have given me an answer to my ‘problems’. I think I will post about that in a few days. So no more slacking from me!

The good news: it’s almost winter and the days are getting shorter and colder. More time to sit inside behind my pc and the perfect time also to start blogging again!


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